iPhones can't open greyed files. When an iPhone can't open a specific file type, it greys out the file in your selector, making it unclickable. This will happen if you don't have the right viewing software downloaded to your device. The most common type of greyed-out file on iPhone is a PDF.
Source : https://www.adobe.com/acrobat/hub/why-pdf-files-are-grey-iphone.html
Your laptop doesn't have a PDF reader installed. Your PDF reader or preferred program is out of date and needs an update. Your PDF application is potentially damaged or needs to be rebooted. The PDF is potentially damaged or tampered with.
Source : https://www.adobe.com/acrobat/hub/why-pdfs-will-not-open.html
Change your App Store settings Go to Settings > App Store, then do any of the following: Automatically download apps purchased on your other Apple devices: Below Automatic Downloads, turn on App Downloads. Automatically update apps: Turn on App Updates.
Source : https://support.apple.com/is-is/guide/iphone/iph3dfd91de/ios
You can open a list of your recent downloads in Chrome by clicking the Menu button (☰) and selecting Downloads, or by pressing Ctrl + J (Windows) or ⌘ Cmd + J (Mac).
Source : https://www.wikihow.com/Open-Downloads
How to use: Search for YouTube video downloader extensions in your browser's store or marketplace. Once installed, these extensions typically add a Download" button beneath the YouTube video
Source : https://clipchamp.com/en/blog/download-youtube-videos/
Options for how to open a PDF in Word.Open Word.Choose the Blank Document option from the home screen.In the upper-left corner of the window, select the File tab. ... Click Open.Navigate through your folders and select the PDF file that you want to open in Word.You can now edit the PDF the way you'd like in Word.More items...
Source : https://www.adobe.com/acrobat/hub/how-to-open-a-pdf-in-word.html